A one-man clown show that oscillates between humor and reflection on the relationship between man and nature. COUAC explores the loss of the man-nature relationship and the alienation of society through excess technology.
COUAC is a wordless scenic exploration that questions the fragile relationship between man to nature and the drift of our
society towards an excessive dependence on technology. Mixing humor and reflection, the show offers a scathing critique
of our consumer society.
Can a human-technology relationship fill the void of a true human relationship ?
In the near future, Jo lives in a world permanently connected to the «Network», which sets the rules of
life for each citizen. Eve, the artificial intelligence, directs and controls all of Jo’s actions. Eve assists Jo in his choices, pushes him to consume more and more and makes him dependent on useless services.
Jo tries to acclimatize to this ultra-connected world, generating disasters around him that highlight the absurdity of this technological overflow where human error and free will no longer have a place.
Fable of anticipation that tells in a playful and poetic way, through a character, our addiction to technologies in our daily life.
A show "Alone on stage", humorous, without words, mainly visual and sound where gesture theater, dance, circus and technology coexist.
We laugh and delight in discovering a Mr. Jo who can no longer return home, because with his bandage on his head, the
facial recognition system can no longer identify him. This comical and satirical visual spectacle shakes us with laughter while
warning us about our own excesses with the use of technologies.
(Diane, Spectator)
COUAC is a daring creation that is absolutely worth a detour !
Couac is a smart, funny and poignant show that will not leave you indifferent. Behind its scathing humor, Couac is a real
invitation to reflect on the place of technology in our lives and the importance of preserving our humanity.
(Parole de jeune journaliste)
COUAC ... Physical Comedy
Distribution :
Auteur & Interprète : Sébastien Domogalla
Régie & Direction technique : Filippo Cavinato
Régie Plateau : Séverine Bernard / Camille Loquet
Collaboration Artistique : Xavier Bouvier
Composition Sonore : Antoine Hénaut
Conception Costume : Evelyne Meersschaut
Construction décor : Vincent Rutten / Camille Loquet
Réalisation des Images : Mara De Sario, Edouard Cuvelier
Animation Visuelle : Sébastien Domogalla
Création Lumière : Filippo Cavinato
Une production Compagnie du Plat pays !
Avec l’Aide de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Administration générale de la Culture, Service général de la Création Artistique, Service du Cirque, des Arts forains et des Arts de la Rue / S.A.C.D. Belgique /
Coproduction : CCBW - Centre culturel du Brabant Wallon / MARS - Mons arts de la Scène / Fondation Mons 2025, Capitale culturelle / Avec le soutien à la création de LookIN’OUT - Le BAMP (Brussels Art Melting Pot) - Ad Lib - Le 140 / La Fabrique de Théâtre / Service des Arts de la Scène de la Province de Hainaut / Centre culturel de Dour / Centre culturel du Roeulx / Arrêt59 - Foyer culturel de Péruwelz / Centre culturel de Colfontaine / Technocité (Digital Média) / Espace Columban / Aires Libres - Fédération des arts de la rue, des arts du cirque et des arts forains /